

Shut up, bitches!

I think I will cut someone's head off very soon. I am not kidding, I am really not! Aaargh.
(Shh, be quiet.)
You piss me off.
I try to explain: Somebody (and I think I know who) insults us, me and my friends. Bad words, bad strategy. Somebody thinks (s)he (probably she) can make trap. O, everybody is gonna hate them! Sure, sure, but you forget that I do NOT care what you say. I am NOT interested in your gossips and the other things you say.
(Be careful.)
Tomorrow... I... will... take... a sword and cut your head off. You will die and everything will be okay. I don't expect a war because (and listen carefully) I am blameless.
You all are blind.
You are.
...Emotional outpouring, nothing special. But I'm done with them. They look stupid, they are stupid.


The time machine

I love our conversations~ Every day at the lunch break we laugh normal and also abnormal things.
"Isn't it Dumbledore? Right there-" And I see my friend pointing to the 16.y.o. boy who queue.
"Yeah," I nod and look at my other friend. She loves secretly this guy. His name is... Thomas but we've promised we never say his true name. So... no better option than give him a nickname?
"Shut up," she mumbles and looks down at her plate with UBS (=universal brown sauce). Do her cheeks get a red colour or not?
Well, then starts the conversation. Not only about Dumbledore and other boys. I don't know how but...
Last week we were talking about the time machine. About way how it works etc.
"Imagine that you have used the time machine. You cannot prove its existence because during using the time machine you changed the past and now the things you changed are changed. And you think the things were always same, but they weren't.
Example: Your napkin is here. But in the past it had been there, you used the time machine to change his location and now the napkin is here instead of there."
"Difficult..." frowned both my friends.
I smiled and shrugged.
Normal day with normal people. :)


Latin, declension, conjugation...

Hello everybody!:)
I'm thinking about chocolate~ I don't want to eat it but... It's hard to say, I love chocolate but today I've had some problems, so I'll rather eat something else.;)
And also thinking about Latin lesson on Wednesday, damn it, I wasn't twice there! And I'm afraid I've already forgotten vocabulary :/ Puer (=boy), servus (=slave), exemplum (=example), bellum (=war, but I don't know why I always think it's bell!:)), sigillum (=seal, one of my favourite words!), animá (=soul, my most favourite)...
Well, it's not too bad :D Vocabulary is my - probably - strong side. Worse is declension... English doesn't have any cases... as nominative, genitive, dative etc. Um, that's why English is easier.
My language has seven cases but I speak automatically as every native speaker. But Latin sentences... e.g. Dominus cum servís in silvá labórat. (=A man is working with slaves in the forest. Crazy, isn't it?)
I believe I can do it ^ ^
And what about you?;)


Psychical damage

I'm sitting here and eating my favourite food - frozen roll. No, I'm not kidding... Frozen roll is great. Cold and yummy.
And, from my own experience, it is against stomach ache. When I have stomach ache, I always eat frozen roll. So, it's physical pain.
I also have to say physical pain is the worst. Not for everybody, of course.
If you want to face psychical pain, you must be strong and mainly know what can you help. My voice inside whispers me: "Stop it, you can survive this, it doesn't hurt, you'll be fine..."
Well, I can just smile and say: "Yea, yea, that's right." and remember some nice memory.
But I'm not perfect and I have bad days, too. Someone says something I don't agree or I don't think it's fair and... I want to cry so bad. Damn it, what is wrong with me?
I hope nothing. It's normal and there are so many great people who help. And there are so many beautiful memories and made-up characters that... ^ ^
I love them.
"Say goodbye..."
Well, goodbye, I'm going to my handsome and nice healer. :)*


A very bad strategy

ARGH. Awesome tribal council, bad person voted out.
At the beginning, Penner was almost out of game. But the immunity challenge - yeah, he tried so hard and won the idol ^ ^ I was so happy. 'So... Today Penner won't be voted out!'
Next wish - I want Jeff to stay♥ Anybody else can be voted out (My favorites: Jonathan(with immunity), Jeff, Malcolm, Denise, Carter. And perhaps Skupin. In this order.).
Who had the worst idea to vote Jeff out?! Pete or who?! I hate you!!!
I was disappointed with Mike. He voted for Jeff instead of Peter. Damn, he has alliance of six and he WAS SUPPOSED TO VOTE FOR PETER! I don't understand it...
Unfortunately, Penner voted for Abi and there was no draw. :( Shame.
After all, I'm looking forward to next episode. I want to see Pete sitting on the bench with jury >:/



Today from beginning was one big total disaster.
In the morning I've forgotten my English stuff at home, so I was upset and my mum was upset because of me... I didn't want to go to English lesson without the text book (I didn't care about exercise book - paper is enough). My lovely text book. It could be embarrassed...
Stress... Bus comes every two hours... I needed to catch the bus, to run for my stuff, to run back to the bus stop, to wait for another bus and... I would be late for lesson.
"I want to die!!!" I scream in my mind.
Eventually, I did this:
I ran after physics to have lunch (I had only 10 minutes!)... Yummy, yummy - rice with apricots ^ ^, and then we had Maths. We did a test of... argh, nothing special. I did it so fast, fast, fast... Yeah, I had 30 minutes left! I love you!
I gave my answers to my schoolmate and went out of class.
Blah, blah, blah... I caught the bus, I was at home, I went back, I went to library, I rent some books and hurray to English lesson. With the text book.
I was so happy. Now, when I'm at home again, I'm smiling and looking forward to seeing Survivor Australia. Don't tell me who won a 10 years ago xD I want to watch it without knowing the winner.
Aaand... I really want Jonathan to win in Philippines ^ ^ Or Jeff, Carter, Mike, Malcolm, Denise - they all are cool. Cutiiies ♥
So, I have better mood, I'm leaving... Be happy. ^ ^


No stories

Hello everybody.
I'm sitting here and thinking about my... I'd call them stories but I'm not sure they are really stories.
I've been writing since 1st class at elementary school. I still have a lot of great ideas but every time there is some but. Isn't it ridiculous?
Yep, it is.
Some people say if you want to do something and you work hard for it, you can prove it.
However, I do have strong will, I don't know how to write an awesome book.
I have read maaaany books, I love fantasy, sci-fi, psychological novels etc.

My English is not very well and I'm still trying to write some stories. I've written one to English lesson but it isn't very long and unbelievable either.

“Take me away,” begged Elizabeth.
“I can’t, Eliz, I can’t… I gotta go there alone and you know why. Do not follow me until you have to. Please.” With these words James kissed Elizabeth on her forehead and disappeared.
Elizabeth sat on the stone in a grass and started to cry. If James… She wished she had never met him, but… it unfortunately happened.
All memories came to her – how they had met, how she couldn’t believe it…
Then she realized James will never come back. He went there he had gone forever and she didn’t have option to ask him what she should do in this moment.
She stood up. “I’m gonna find James. Our love was real and I won’t let anything to divide us.”
When she was dreaming about James with closed eyes, suddenly she felt a warm wind around her.
‘Yeah… I have to prove it!’
She concentrated all of her own energy to him.
James… was an angel.
She wanted to follow him.
She didn’t know where she should go.
And then… Something compelled her to open her eyes. Yes! Yes! She didn’t see any trees, brushes, flowers, nothing what is on the Earth.
“I am in heaven,” she whispered and some silhouettes of maze appeared immediately. Instinct told her ‘Don’t hesitate and go through the maze, James is waiting for you on the other side.’
“Hmm…” coughed somebody next to her.
Elizabeth looked at this guy. He was angel like James. He had… wings! A white one, noble… Does James have also white wings?
“You are a human,” said this angel.
“Y-yep,” stuttered Elizabeth.
“And what are you doing here?”
“I… I want to go to the other side,” she pointed at the maze.
“I don’t know what your reason is but I’m afraid I don’t let you go in. You are a human.”
“Please. I desperately need to go. Please.”
He frowned. “I won’t give you the map of this maze.”
“I do NOT need the map,” retorted Elizabeth, “I can find the right way.”
“All right,” nodded the guard of the maze, “opposite this entrance is exit for angels. If you find it, you will become an angel. And in the middle is one abyss. It will send you back to Earth if you fall in it. Think about it very closely… Then, there’s no way back.”
“I have decided,” said Elizabeth and the angel opened the entrance.
She entered.
And then she realized the maze is huge.
A fog was hiding every way but she has no other opportunity than go. She walked through the maze of moments, memories and experiences…
How could she forget to her family? Her friends? Beautiful shells upon the warm sands?
She was blinded by love. Yes, she loved James, but there was definitely some other way how to be with him. But now she had to look for the correct way forever.
Is it either this or that way?                                                                                       
Nobody answered.
She might be just beginning.
She might be near the end.
I hope you like it. And... you can correct me my mistakes if you like. I'd be thankful.


Once upon a time...

If you want to know what I am writing about, there is no easier option than writing to me.

...žila byla osoba...
...a ta se rozhodla, že si založí blog...
...pravděpodobně napůl český a napůl anglický...
...protože se chtěla zdokonalovat v angličtině...
...a najít si nové kamarády...
Nevěděla ale...
...jak by se její blog měl jmenovat...
...a tak vařila svůj mozek v horké síti neuronů...
...až přišla na to, co má ráda...
Nejprve si chtěla dát název blogu...
...ze svých oblívených slovíček z cizích jazyků...
...ale protože její oblíbené anglické slovo je arrow...
...a protože její oblíbené německé slovo je Gift...
...a protože její oblíbené latinské slovo je animá...
...a protože oblíbené české slovo (ani španělské, ani slovo žádným jiným jazykem) nemá....
...tak si řekla, že název blogu arrowGiftanimá...
...či jakákoli divná složenina z těchto slov nezní dobře...
...od tohoto nápadu upustila...
Když tak přemýšlela dále...
...uvědomila si...
...že má vlastně ráda tajemství...
...a že by byla ráda, kdyby název blogu nějaká obsahoval...
O tajemstvích...
...která jsou v názvu zakomponována...
...neví přesně...
...kolik jich je...
...protože její duše jí našeptala právě toto jméno...
...a časem se určitě vyvine více...
...proč si za adresu blogu vybrala právě poisonous-gift...
...že zatím zná tři alegorie...
...které jsou normálnímu návštěvníkovi skryty...
...a doufá...
...že jich postupem času nalezne více...