

Oxymoróny a dadaismus

...a tak jsem našla starou básničku. Jen tak, náhodou. Byla ve starém sešitě z němčiny, a vzhledem k tomu, že ani nemám náladu nic dělat, nevím, proč jsem ho vyhrabala. Jasně, je v něm napsané téma, které potřebuji zpracovat, akorát ho teď nechci dělat. Možná zítra, možná pozítří, do úterka času dost. No, každopádně jsem si to přečetla a zjistila, že to docela vystihuje můj momentální stav (ne pořád, ne ve všem, ale necháme rány, ať se samy zahojí). Zde je ona oxymorónská básnička:

Tupý meč mi setnul hlavu,
je den, já nic nevidím,
v moři krve tady plavu
je hluk, já nic neslyším,
za okamžik rychle umřu
vůně už neucítím...

Docela dobré, ne? Bylo to složené nějak kvinta-sexta, domácí úkol z češtiny. Nejsem žádný rozený básničkář, ale na tenhle princeznovský kousek jsem docela pyšná. Stejně jako na další, ale o tom jindy.





Gaming... to the end

I know I was so silly worrying about the people, the place, the games, the atmosphere - but it was even more amazing than I expected.
On Thursday I arrived in the afternoon and immediately met one of the members of our board game community. He is very nice, so it would be indeed hard not to like him. :) The same for a little family consisting of J., L. and their baby. Well, as you may know, I love children, and Dave was so amusing! And because I love children, children love me, of course. I admit, it looks kind of funny when a child is snuffling or crying and suddenly it is smiling. It is my special ability :D (I haven't met a child who would hate me... (Child nor person?))
I was like in heaven when I was sitting on a bench and from one side was Dave and from the other Mike (maybe the best moment ever :D).
Games. So many board games. I mean... I knew only 10% of them, but of course I came to learn how to play the rest 90% (oooor just 30%, because there was a little time :D). Biggest surprise - Eclipse ♥ I just love doing researches for upgrading my space ships (defend mode - 4 shields and I was unbeatable... and never believe anyone!). But to the other side, Twilight Imperium was a bit disappointing. Too long (up to 7 hours), I didn't get all the mechanisms and my planets were destroyed very quickly and the following 3 hours I was bored. (Another disappointment - Terra mystica. Really? What was this game about?! You do this, this, this and this and? You don't get any points. At least I was playing the fairies...)
Best graphic - Seasons (magiiiiiiiiic!!!!), and biggest excitement for me was Beast Bar (ah, so funny game, and easy :)). And more and more and more...
I'm so glad I did it and I hope next year we'll meet again :)
Just one thing was missing to the perfection of these four days O:)

xxx your princess

(P.S. Epic train fail :DDDD It was like my last game in real time... Oh my god, nevermore, and next time I play Space Alert, I'll think about the poor guys running across the space ship... and then dying... Horrible experience, horrible... :D)


Sweet dreams :)

(How to piss off your hateful teacher – when she tells you she wants to laugh, too, ask her what stands in her way to do so. :D And for unknown reason now you are the worst… Stupid question but my answer wasn’t stupid at all. In fact, I’m still laughing :D)
Heh, I was about to talk about something else.
Our dreams, how they come out… :) My honest opinion is that our dreams are stuff we think about. And it doesn’t matter whether it is desire, fear, excitement… (As the Buddhists say – it’s your dream, you have to know, what it means.) It’s like reading a book (or watching a film, but I prefer books to films :D), everyone likes different characters and takes different advices. Casually, today my favorite teacher instead of European Union spoke about his dream.
If I didn’t know him, I would think he is drunk :D So so so much drunk :D I don’t know how he does it, but I was laughing all the lesson and I cried, too. It was so amazing I can hardly describe it.
To the point – his dream lasted from 3:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. (he was woken up by his phone to be acquainted tomorrow is holiday. Funny :D :D) and it was about him going to concert but he was in the mountains, then some big rock appeared, with doors to the flat where some grandma had lived. According to what he said the grandma was dead, but suddenly he saw her, her deadly white face, coldness… Well, then he woke up. So it was kind of nightmare, I suppose. I really have no idea why he told us :D
Arrogant schoolmate’s meaning of that dream: “You want to go to the concert but you are afraid to see some awful old witch.” I mean reaaaaally?! He tried to be funny but it didn’t work, he is only embarrassing himself :)
(Intermezzo – after one black coffee I’m full of energy :D And my place here in the train looks so funny – laptop plugged into socket, mobile plugged into laptop and headphones plugged into mobile :D)
Now… my guide how to have only beautiful dreams ^^ The most important step is to go to bed with peaceful calm in body and mind. Then the easier part – think about you want. Not only it helps to calm down your mind and tune yourself in better vibrations, in addition you eventually get it. How perfect :) Sweet dreams forever :)
With love,
xxx princess


A miracle

I wanna tell you one awesome thing that happened today... Well, I'm packing my backpack for trip to Prague and of course I'm thinking about taking with me my laptop. Sure, why not? But then... I have a look to my battery - 50%. Okay, fine, I'm saying to myself, I can go out now without charging for a half an hour.
When the battery is only about 7%, I go back and plug it in... Ehh, why isn't it charging now? Checking cables, electricity... Everything okay, except the fact that my battery isn't charging at all. :D
Oh fuck... what now? I just can't take my laptop with discharged battery. Google says a bit worrying thing - the battery died, and I should buy a new one. Nooo not now, I'm leaving tomorrow!!! I panic, as usual... It lasts 10 minutes, cause I'm really pissed off :D Then... I'm realising I don't need that laptop so bad, or his full battery, but it would be nice if it worked. Turning it off and on again, frowning at it, smiling at it, miscalling...
...and then a miracle :D
It starts charging... Oh my god :D :D Thinking about going mad, cause I'm surprised, how perfectly it works... Thay say I can't do everything... Nope, I can, I really can, but this is really awesome :D
So... I'm going continuing in packing now...
Prague, wait for me! :D


Coming true

Hey everyone... Life is fucking awesome, you know :D
More than that...
I did just one thing.
I wished. I dreamt. I wanted.
And now every day comes some surprise.
I'm being really, but I mean REALLY happy ^^

Be happy with me :3 Love you.

xxx Arrow :)


Bude pohádka!

Ano, opět česky, protože v poslední době jsem si nějak výrazně oblíbila češtinu. Neříkám, že jsem ji neměla ráda dřív (to jsem měla, mám a mít budu), ale teď ve mně převládl pocit jakési vznešenosti a možná i nadřazenosti. Je to tím, kolik se dá vytvářet krásných variací slov a vět, z nichž hodně jich je naprosto uchvacujících.
To je tak - když mluví Němec, neználkům připadá, že jim nadává :))) S češtinou a slovenštinou je to troufám si říct přesně naopak - i ta sprostá slůvka se mi líbí! Frekventovaně je sice nepoužívám, a když někdo v inteligentním kontextu nějaké z nich použije, vůbec mi to nevadí (taky je občas použiji, záleží na náladě).
V češtině jsem tedy po dlouhé době začala něco spisovat. Určitě mě znáte - romantika především (možná trochu tvrdší, uvidím), tentokrát pohádkový nádech místo realistického, dokonce jsem použila konfrontaci vznešeného s přízemním... I když, to asi vyzní divně, takže ten pohádkový kontext budu muset ještě upravit. Anebo ne, je to můj příběh, a ne nějaká knížka, kterou musejí mít v nakladatelství cenzurovanou.
Psaní mi bude trvat určitě dlouho. Píši pouze, když mám náladu, a to je hlavně ve dvou případech - kdy jsem extra šťastná a zrovna neprovozuji svou oblíbenou činnost (kromě psaní), a kdy mám melancholickou náladu (to už však nebývá příliš často). Teď vlastně nejsem ani v jednom z těchto stavů, ale vlastně psát na blog je něco jiného, než samotný příběh, do toho asi dneska nepůjdu.
A abych pořád jenom neplkala, je tady začátek (kratičký, však on to bude kratičký příběh):


Iluze z dávných dob

Nevím proč, ale zrovna dneska jsem si vzpomněla na jeden příběh, který jsem napsala v roztržité a grozně melancholické a možná i zamilované náladě. (Určitě zamilované, poro je to tak sladké, ha ha.) S odstupem doby vidím, jakou jsem to napsala blbost... Pěkně prvotřídní blbost, protože jsem nutně cítila potřebu vypsat svoje pocity, holt když mě v tom kamarádka ještě podporovala. Nechci se z toho vymlouvat, napsala jsem to, a co se stalo, stalo se. Vlastně nestalo, sice je možné všechno, ale někdy je lepší od toho upustit... Ale co, myslím, že dvanáctiletým holkám by se tenhle zamilovaný příběh mohl líbit. A když ne jim, tak třináctiletým. Nebo úplně někomu jinému. Spisovat, to umím, i když to mnohdy nedává hlavu a patu. Abych pořád jenom neplkala, tak sem ten příběh dám. Není to podle reality, protože jsem si ji vysnila, ale... jejda, furt melu, tak nic, jdu to sem dát :D


Why do we write?

It's been a while... But I'm here again, in my full strength! I wanted to think about why we write posts, articles, stories, blogs etc. :) Some of you can say it's because we want to share our mood with the rest of the world and it doesn't depend on whether the mood is good or bad.
I've just realized I used to use my blog as a Internet diary... When I was happy, I was with my friends and enjoyed life. But as you may see, when I was angry about something, I wrote here post full of my upset feelings, so I can't be surprised I'm not satisfied with it :D
So let's change it! I can't promise anything but I will try...
Okay, back to the topic. Others would say they try to help people with their troubles and give them experiences.
This way we kind of feel other human beings and we are happy to communicate with them (at least I am... Say you don't like comments to your posts :D).
And stories? I write stories to live in my own non-real world, to run out of reality, if it is enough stressful for me :)

And you? Do you agree with this division or you have your own reason?

Arrow xxx