

Dance classes

As you may know, students in the high school (or grammar school like me) visit dance classes. Our class is not an exception, so every week on Wednesday we take dance classes. At first, I was really happy to learn how to dance, BUT... after the second lesson I was not so happy. And after the third I was pissed off. Why? It's really easy! Because that bitch just can't organise her classes! I am type of girl who went to the dance classes without a partner and hoped to get one. I danced with František, but next week he went to another girl. What?! Are you f***ing kidding me?! So when I did not have him, no one else came to me. And there was another problem, of course - three girls were extra. That means three girls had not a partner. It was me, Barča and some girl from another school.
Luckily, a few boys were waiting for the next dance classes, so she took them to us and we danced together. Okay, I said to myself, don't worry, next week it'll be fine.
And it was. I danced with boy and after five seconds I forgot his name (sorry!). I really don't want to complain so much but he just couldn't dance. Uah! Step back, step front, step aside... Is that so hard? He went aside, back and I don't know what more directions he did chose. This evening I was so annoyed that I said "one more problem and I'm out!.
You know, I am a person who loves castles, princesses, extraordinary big dresses and to know how to dance is a part of it. (I really like imagining dancing with handsome prince... or not prince, a handsome boy it's enough.) And now should I be dancing with someone who can't do it? How do I suppose to learn it?
...Well and here comes yesterday's classes. I dressed up and waited with my friends for the start. As we were sitting on our chair and chatting, she came and dancing started. Boys went to choose partners. I can't say I was surprised, when not three, but FIVE girls stayed sitting (including me, of course). Me and Barča were pissed off again, so we wanted to go away...
One of the best decisions I have ever made was made yesterday. Thank godness I stayed! After ten minutes came to our classes two boys, K. and K2. K. danced with me and K2 with Barča. (There were after another ten minutes boys for the rost of the girls, too.) It was totally awesome! I can't even describe it, I just LOVE that way dancing. He has alredy been glorious dancer and it's really big difference. The way how he held me, how gracefully he danced... Awww :3 In the moment I wished it would never end...
And now I wish even more I had my prince.
P. S. Thank you so so much!

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